Mark 5:25-34
Do you need a miracle today? Are you physically ill? Then you need a miracle today. Are you so financially strapped that you have to look up to see bottom? Then you need a miracle today. Are your children out of control, and as far away from God as they can possibly be? Then you need a miracle today. Do you lack joy and peace in your life? Then you sure need a miracle today.
There are actually three miracles in Mark chapter 5. Jesus cast a group of demons out of a young man, verses 1-20. Jesus raised a young girl from death to life, verses 35-43. Today we are going to dwell mostly on the third miracle where Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood.
Read Mark 5:25-34. You may be thinking right now that this is not such a big miracle. Jesus cast out demons, cured palsy, raised Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the grave for four days. It is not so much what Jesus did as it is why he did it.
How many of you think that this woman had nothing to do with the miracle she received? Look at Mark 6:1-6. The key verses here are verses 5 & 6. Jesus there could do no mighty works, and he was astonished at their unbelief. Look at verse 3 the last sentence, "and they were offended at him".
Now lets look at the difference between the woman in our text, and the people in chapter 6 from Jesus home town. Mark 5:25 This woman had been bleeding from the inside for 12 years. We are not talking about an ingrown toe nail, a headache, or dry skin. This woman had a for real problem, that would eventually kill her. I am sure that she was weak all the time, and had no similarity of what we would call a normal life. She seriously wanted and needed help.
I verse 26 she was willing to try anything. She had been to every doctor she could. When it says suffered; she was really suffering. She had spent every dime she had on a cure, but only got worse. How many of you can relate to that personally, or with someone close to you? She really needed a miracle.
Read verses 27-28. She had something they did not have in Nazareth, FAITH; Believing that God's promises will happen without any doubt whatsoever. The word FAITH is used over 155 times in the New Testament alone; so it is very important.
When Jesus told Peter that, "upon this rock I will build my church"; he wasn't talking about Peter, he was talking about his faith that he was the Christ of God. The fact that Jesus is, was, and always will be the one true son of the eternal living God in Heaven.
Believe and receive, or doubt and do without. She truly believed that she would receive a miracle. Not tomorrow, Not next week, but right now.
The disciples were also doubters throughout all four gospels. Most of the time they had out their calculators, and laptops tying to convince Jesus why something he said would not work. Like you can't feed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 3 fishes. Actually it said in that scripture that there were also women and children. It is estimated by people a lot smarter than me that there were between 12 and 15 thousand people there. Jesus always made a way, and with 12 baskets left over.
Verse 34 sums it all up with, thy faith has made the whole of thy plague. What is thy plague today? Is your lack of faith, and your calculating brain keeping you from the miracle you so desperately need? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus's lordship, or are you still going to him as a last resort?
When will we learn the DOG principle, DEPEND ON GOD, and totally trust him to meet all of our needs? The more we learn on him, the more he will lean on us; and his support is what keeps our feet on solid ground. Expect your miracle, believe you will receive it, and thank God for it before it ever happens. Have confidence and total faith in God who wants to give his children good gifts.
Peter was doing really good at walking on water until he took his eyes off of Jesus, and quit having faith.
Mark 11:22-24, Believe and Receive. Mark 9:23 all things are possible to him that believes.
Hebrews 4:15-16 For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly into the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in times of need.
Mark 5:25-34
Do you need a miracle today? Are you physically ill? Then you need a miracle today. Are you so financially strapped that you have to look up to see bottom? Then you need a miracle today. Are your children out of control, and as far away from God as they can possibly be? Then you need a miracle today. Do you lack joy and peace in your life? Then you sure need a miracle today.
There are actually three miracles in Mark chapter 5. Jesus cast a group of demons out of a young man, verses 1-20. Jesus raised a young girl from death to life, verses 35-43. Today we are going to dwell mostly on the third miracle where Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood.
Read Mark 5:25-34. You may be thinking right now that this is not such a big miracle. Jesus cast out demons, cured palsy, raised Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the grave for four days. It is not so much what Jesus did as it is why he did it.
How many of you think that this woman had nothing to do with the miracle she received? Look at Mark 6:1-6. The key verses here are verses 5 & 6. Jesus there could do no mighty works, and he was astonished at their unbelief. Look at verse 3 the last sentence, "and they were offended at him".
Now lets look at the difference between the woman in our text, and the people in chapter 6 from Jesus home town. Mark 5:25 This woman had been bleeding from the inside for 12 years. We are not talking about an ingrown toe nail, a headache, or dry skin. This woman had a for real problem, that would eventually kill her. I am sure that she was weak all the time, and had no similarity of what we would call a normal life. She seriously wanted and needed help.
I verse 26 she was willing to try anything. She had been to every doctor she could. When it says suffered; she was really suffering. She had spent every dime she had on a cure, but only got worse. How many of you can relate to that personally, or with someone close to you? She really needed a miracle.
Read verses 27-28. She had something they did not have in Nazareth, FAITH; Believing that God's promises will happen without any doubt whatsoever. The word FAITH is used over 155 times in the New Testament alone; so it is very important.
When Jesus told Peter that, "upon this rock I will build my church"; he wasn't talking about Peter, he was talking about his faith that he was the Christ of God. The fact that Jesus is, was, and always will be the one true son of the eternal living God in Heaven.
Believe and receive, or doubt and do without. She truly believed that she would receive a miracle. Not tomorrow, Not next week, but right now.
The disciples were also doubters throughout all four gospels. Most of the time they had out their calculators, and laptops tying to convince Jesus why something he said would not work. Like you can't feed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 3 fishes. Actually it said in that scripture that there were also women and children. It is estimated by people a lot smarter than me that there were between 12 and 15 thousand people there. Jesus always made a way, and with 12 baskets left over.
Verse 34 sums it all up with, thy faith has made the whole of thy plague. What is thy plague today? Is your lack of faith, and your calculating brain keeping you from the miracle you so desperately need? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus's lordship, or are you still going to him as a last resort?
When will we learn the DOG principle, DEPEND ON GOD, and totally trust him to meet all of our needs? The more we learn on him, the more he will lean on us; and his support is what keeps our feet on solid ground. Expect your miracle, believe you will receive it, and thank God for it before it ever happens. Have confidence and total faith in God who wants to give his children good gifts.
Peter was doing really good at walking on water until he took his eyes off of Jesus, and quit having faith.
Mark 11:22-24, Believe and Receive. Mark 9:23 all things are possible to him that believes.
Hebrews 4:15-16 For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly into the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in times of need.